Cigar Punch Cutter: This multitool features a precision cigar punch cutter, allowing you to create the perfect draw for a rich and satisfying smoke.
Cigar Draw Enhancer Tool: Designed to unblock cigars with tight draws, the twin cigar nubber provides a simple yet effective solution to enhance the airflow and improve the overall smoking experience.
Cigar Hole Puncher: With its built-in hole puncher, this multitool allows you to create a clean and precise hole on the cap of your cigar, ensuring an even burn and consistent flavor.
Cigar Hole Puncher: With its built-in hole puncher, this multitool allows you to create a clean and precise hole on the cap of your cigar, ensuring an even burn and consistent flavor.
Compact and Portable: Made from durable materials, this multitool is lightweight and portable, making it the perfect companion for cigar enthusiasts on the go.
Cigar Accessories – Cigar Punch Cutter 3-in-1 RAG-7018
300.00 AED
Cigar Punch Cutter 3-in-1 Long Draw Enhancer and Twin Number Cigar Accessories with Gift Box
Category: Cigar Accessories
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